MIRAI LAB NMN 1500+ Pure Plus(60 粒膠囊)

存貨單位: MIRAI Pure Plus

$661 $35,690

未來實驗室 NMN 1500+ Pure Plus


詳細介紹: 日本未來生物科學研究所(原新真和製藥株式會社)的NMN採用生物發酵法,保證最高純度,不斷突破抗衰老規律。科學家的辛勤研究和創新才是永恆的美。探索,欣賞歲月。日本未來生物科學研究所的每一毫克NM N,都代表著重塑生命的願景。



使用方法:早上早餐前用一杯溫水服用 1 至 2 粒膠囊。服用時請不要咀嚼。

    Before use, please follow these instructions:

    🚫 Conduct a skin adaptability test before using the instrument for the first time to ensure safety and prevent skin abnormalities.
    🚫 Do not use this product under the following conditions:
    Patients with heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure.
    People with facial nerve disorders .Persons who have undergone facial surgeries involving implants.
    Individuals with skin diseases, atopic dermatitis, or allergies.
    Growing children and individuals who cannot express themselves.
    Pregnant individuals or those who may be pregnant.
    Individuals who have undergone eye surgeries (please consult a doctor if you have had LASIK surgery).

