存貨單位: PYR
RM1,298 MYR
RM2,345 MYR
日本PYR KNIGHT美膚瘦身刀,只要患者躺下休息,就像享受舒緩按摩一樣,治療結束時就能看到瘦身效果。瘦身刀的便捷,不僅在於它的無創無創減脂功能,更在於它的全自動程序設計和定制化瘦身。無論針對何種脂肪,瘦身刀都能根據無線電波發出的信號接收到脂肪厚度的信息,通過程序自動調節相應的溫度和波長,減少相應的脂肪。高科技保證安全,術後無恢復。期間,無需擔心反彈。
“AI美顏儀”終於來了! PYR KNIGHT 從瘦臉到肩膀僵硬,減去體脂!結合EMS和RF的最強技術,打造優美體型。 RF分解脂肪並再生膠原蛋白,EMS刺激肌肉增加新陳代謝。刮掉多餘的身體部位並拉起下垂的部位,打造鋒利的身體和乾淨的面部線條。 Pry Knight 機身完全防水,可在浴缸中使用。它在溫暖的時候效果更好。適合忙碌的新生代在沐浴的同時進行理療。
MYERNK 為 PYR KNIGHT 提供 12 個月的有限保修。
Before use, please follow these instructions:
🚫 Conduct a skin adaptability test before using the instrument for the first time to ensure safety and prevent skin abnormalities.
🚫 Do not use this product under the following conditions:
Patients with heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure.
People with facial nerve disorders .Persons who have undergone facial surgeries involving implants.
Individuals with skin diseases, atopic dermatitis, or allergies.
Growing children and individuals who cannot express themselves.
Pregnant individuals or those who may be pregnant.
Individuals who have undergone eye surgeries (please consult a doctor if you have had LASIK surgery).
🚫 Conduct a skin adaptability test before using the instrument for the first time to ensure safety and prevent skin abnormalities.
🚫 Do not use this product under the following conditions:
Patients with heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure.
People with facial nerve disorders .Persons who have undergone facial surgeries involving implants.
Individuals with skin diseases, atopic dermatitis, or allergies.
Growing children and individuals who cannot express themselves.
Pregnant individuals or those who may be pregnant.
Individuals who have undergone eye surgeries (please consult a doctor if you have had LASIK surgery).