存貨單位: PLAMINE hybrid oil
30ml <雙層混合精華素>
除了獲得 ECO CERT 認證的原料*¹,這款兩層混合美容液還能帶來清透的肌膚
與國產有機原料奢華融合*²。 滲透到皮膚中,彷彿它以結合了水和油的最佳質地的新質地融化。
*3, 至角質層
使用注意事項 ●請小心使用,確保皮膚無異常。 如果化妝品不適合您的皮膚,即出現以下情況 (1) 和 (2),請停止使用。 繼續使用化妝品可能會使症狀惡化,因此我們建議您諮詢皮膚科醫生。
(1) 出現紅、腫、癢、刺激、脫色(白斑等)、發黑等異常時
●請注意不要進入眼睛。 如果不慎入眼,請勿揉搓,應立即用水或溫水沖洗乾淨。 如果您感到眼睛不適,我們建議您諮詢眼科醫生。
Before use, please follow these instructions:
🚫 Conduct a skin adaptability test before using the instrument for the first time to ensure safety and prevent skin abnormalities.
🚫 Do not use this product under the following conditions:
Patients with heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure.
People with facial nerve disorders .Persons who have undergone facial surgeries involving implants.
Individuals with skin diseases, atopic dermatitis, or allergies.
Growing children and individuals who cannot express themselves.
Pregnant individuals or those who may be pregnant.
Individuals who have undergone eye surgeries (please consult a doctor if you have had LASIK surgery).
🚫 Conduct a skin adaptability test before using the instrument for the first time to ensure safety and prevent skin abnormalities.
🚫 Do not use this product under the following conditions:
Patients with heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure.
People with facial nerve disorders .Persons who have undergone facial surgeries involving implants.
Individuals with skin diseases, atopic dermatitis, or allergies.
Growing children and individuals who cannot express themselves.
Pregnant individuals or those who may be pregnant.
Individuals who have undergone eye surgeries (please consult a doctor if you have had LASIK surgery).