日本 The Vzusa by Artistic & Co.
存貨單位: The Vzusa
日本 The Vzusa by Artistic & Co. Ship 來自香港。
Dr Arrivo The Vzusa - 世界領先的面部拉皮機
Artistic&Co 是世界上美容護理領域最成功的公司,特別是提拉、抗衰老機器系列,幫助保持肌膚年輕美麗。在 Dr Arrivo Zeus 1、Dr Arrivo Zeus 2 取得巨大成功之後……然後 Vzusa 成為最豪華、最優雅的機器。
請參閱下面的文章,了解有關 Vzusa 系列起重機的更多信息。為何對愛護膚愛美的女性散發出強烈的吸引力?

- IPR - 通過同時輸出插入脈衝/EMS/中高頻並間歇性地流動它們,您可以期待美容師進行的穴位按摩和敲擊體驗。
- ULTRA PULSE(超脈衝) - 插入脈衝·EMS·中高頻是4個同時從一個元件輸出。
- EMS - 微弱的電流在四種元素之間反复流動,產生微波並作用於面部肌肉。
- ION - 它利用離子的力量吸收皮膚上的污垢,並去除通常無法去除的污垢。
- VR - 振動減少了電刺激。配備兩種模式。
- LED - 光波長的治療支持健康身體的形成。 (配備紅、藍、綠3種顏色。)
- 24K Ap元素——與皮膚的親和力最高,24個表面用金處理。
MYERNK 是 The Vzusa 的授權代理商,為 The Vzusa 提供 12 個月的有限保修。
Vzusa – 健康的皮膚與生物 LED 燈
LED 光的波長是安全有效的皮膚護理方法。
如何使用 Vzusa 設備進行面部美容按摩
Before use, please follow these instructions:
🚫 Conduct a skin adaptability test before using the instrument for the first time to ensure safety and prevent skin abnormalities.
🚫 Do not use this product under the following conditions:
Patients with heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure.
People with facial nerve disorders .Persons who have undergone facial surgeries involving implants.
Individuals with skin diseases, atopic dermatitis, or allergies.
Growing children and individuals who cannot express themselves.
Pregnant individuals or those who may be pregnant.
Individuals who have undergone eye surgeries (please consult a doctor if you have had LASIK surgery).
🚫 Conduct a skin adaptability test before using the instrument for the first time to ensure safety and prevent skin abnormalities.
🚫 Do not use this product under the following conditions:
Patients with heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure.
People with facial nerve disorders .Persons who have undergone facial surgeries involving implants.
Individuals with skin diseases, atopic dermatitis, or allergies.
Growing children and individuals who cannot express themselves.
Pregnant individuals or those who may be pregnant.
Individuals who have undergone eye surgeries (please consult a doctor if you have had LASIK surgery).