IAPETUS Black Off Mask


IAPETUS Black Off Mask

Why black?yellow?spots?

Aged cells = loss of immune function, self-purification function → accumulation of melanin, blocking all channels → exploding spots

IAPETUS Black Off Mask
Black Off is the prerequisite for all skin care!
Only when the general environment of the skin becomes better can other skin care products be effective. Living water can keep a good fish! Return to the tender, white and translucent skin of childhood.
IAPETUS Black Off Mask
Not all facial masks can be Black Off!
IAPETUS Black Off Mask
Japanese suggestion
Capacity: 5 pieces per box
Early intensive sprint
Targeted Sprint: 3 boxes
10 boxes per cycle, available every day, porcelain white battery life
Japanese Fashion Queen-Saeko's Beloved
IAPETUS Black Off Mask
3 core ingredients
Licorice glabra
Highly active antibacterial super whitening power, 330 times that of arbutin and 40 times that of kojic acid. A single gram of extraction is equivalent to gold.
Promote protein synthesis in the epidermis, repair skin barrier, hydrate and remove beans, and shrink pores
Prolong the cell regeneration cycle and produce elastin to resist the generation of free radicals
Before use, please follow these instructions:

🚫 Conduct a skin adaptability test before using the instrument for the first time to ensure safety and prevent skin abnormalities.
🚫 Do not use this product under the following conditions:
Patients with heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure.
People with facial nerve disorders .Persons who have undergone facial surgeries involving implants.
Individuals with skin diseases, atopic dermatitis, or allergies.
Growing children and individuals who cannot express themselves.
Pregnant individuals or those who may be pregnant.
Individuals who have undergone eye surgeries (please consult a doctor if you have had LASIK surgery).

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